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Fog bound. The cloud & silver linings

Autore: Caine Anthony

Titolo: Fog bound. The cloud & silver linings

Editore: Europa Edizioni

Pagine: 232

Ean: 9791220140126

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


A university historian from Toulouse takes a trip to the Mount Athos peninsula in Greece with the purpose of writing a book on Athanasius the Athonite, builder of the Great Lavra Monastery. Intending to research old documents and visit several monasteries scattered along the mountain of this ancient homeland of the gods, he encounters religious characters completely absorbed by the modern digital age and the system it imposes to control every aspect of human existence. These encounters switch the course of the events. An ascending parable, the story traces the historian's efforts to rise above the fog that has emerged from mankind's grid of knowledge. Overcoming the Cloud marks a reunion of mankind's deep impulse for freedom and its reconnection with nature. A deep reflection of today's society is there to be found in the happenings of this enchanting dystopian fiction.


Economica (Corriere SDA): spedizione tracciabile, la consegna avviene in 2/5 gg lavorativi, dopo 2 tentativi la spedizione viene depositata nell'ufficio postale più vicino e dovrà essere ritirata dal destinatario.

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