A CLEAR DIFFERENCE: A GUIDE TO INVISALIGN By Robert W. Shafer **BRAND NEW**. Book in very Good Condition.

Invisalign® is a popular orthodontic treatment that helps straighten teeth without the use of traditional braces. It is a clear alternative to braces that uses a series of custom-made aligners to gradually move the teeth into their desired positions.

The main difference between Invisalign® and traditional braces is the method of treatment. While braces use brackets and wires to apply pressure to the teeth, Invisalign® uses clear, removable aligners that are virtually invisible when worn. These aligners are replaced every two weeks to gradually shift the teeth into their proper alignment.

One of the benefits of Invisalign® is its convenience. The aligners can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing for better oral hygiene compared to traditional braces. In addition, Invisalign® aligners are more comfortable than braces since they are made of smooth plastic.

It's important to note that not all orthodontic cases can be treated with Invisalign®. The suitability of this treatment option depends on the complexity of the dental issue and the individual's specific needs. Consulting with a qualified orthodontist, like Dr. Robert W. Shafer, will help determine if Invisalign® is the right choice for you.

Overall, Invisalign® offers a clear and comfortable alternative to traditional braces, providing patients with a discreet way to achieve a straighter smile.