Got a cheap cracked dual screen case on eBay for my renew LG V60 to try out the dual screens. The front glass of the dual screen case was cracked when I bought it and it is easy to replace the front glass after searching the YouTube. When looking around the case on eBay, there were a lot of cases with the cracked front glass for sale. I guess the front glass will be cracked or scratched after the new one was installed. Then I found some one designed a front cover for this case and printed them with hard plastic (PLA). The design is a 0.6mm thick cover and PLA will be cracked easily and won't last long under the sun light inside the car. I have some spare black TPU and TPE and decided to try to print one with these 95A soft plastic.

Well, the print works and looks very well on the case. At the same time, some spare dark black headlight tint vinyl film was cut and used to protect the LCD display on the case. Now it works and looks great!

When the front glass of your LV v60 dual screen case was cracked, follow the procedures in the YouTube to remove the cracked front glass (don't start from the top opening of the front glass, the top thin metal frame inside might be bent like mine). Instead to put on new front glass, just peal off the back paper of tine film and put it to cover the LCD display of case. Then remove the cover of double side tape (Amazon Basting Tape, Double Faced, 1/4" or 3/8") and install this new TPU cover in 2 minutes. After that, you can enjoy your dual screen case and never have to worry how to protect the front glass. The double-side tape is thin and not strong. But they can be easily clean if you decide to replace them later easily. If the tape was damaged in the installation process, please contact us to get help.

This listing only includes a piece of TPU/TPE cover for LG V60 Dual screen case and a small piece of tint film to cover LCD display, the LG V60 is not included. 

This TPU top cover is designed to replace the front glass of LG V60 dual screen case, not to protect the front glass, If you put it on the top of the front glass, it might be fine for a while but sooner or later the top cover will be flipped down during the daily uses.

The design of these adapters is credited to amour27 on Thingiverse 4852302.

Disclaimer: due to occasional 3d printing conditions, the backside of the cover may have imperfections - however, this won't affect the frontside of the cover and negatively impact its appearance.