Amiga 500, 600, 1200, 4000
1 MB RAM min, Kickstart 1.2 or later

Tornado is a combat flight simulator video game by Digital Integration that models the Panavia Tornado. It was released in 1993 for  Amiga. Tornado is one of the first flight simulations to offer head-to-head online dogfights.

Tornado features high-speed, low-altitude precision bombing runs over a battlefield full of active friendly and enemy air and ground units. It allows the gamer to utilize all complex avionics in both positions of the two-person cockpit. The campaign mode contains a full-featured mission planner. Depending upon rank, the mission planner screen allows the gamer to plot strategies, gather intelligence data, pin-point targets, study mission briefings, draw flight plans (way points and air patrols), verify payloads, and view weather maps. It also provides the gamer with a three-dimensional view of any area of the map. The mission planner contains a dynamic battlefield map, which reflects the results of the player's latest missions. The mission planner allows the gamer to plot and synchronize attacks consisting of multiple flights of Tornados. The game came with a detailed 332 page printed manual, four full-sized color maps and a full-sized, foldable, keyboard reference card

Digital Integration based the Tornado modelling on publications in the public domain, research on open shelves and on the Tornado simulator at RAF Honington. The company consulted the Royal Air Force on various aspects of the game including turn rates, cockpit layout, workings of the weapons systems and wing-sweep mechanics. This authenticity was one of the major selling points of the game.[3]