SBL Five Phos Tablet 

It is a general tonic used in day to day life by many. It is used for people who are exhausted by lot of mental work, physical work and generalised weakness comes on. It is a combination of phosphates with Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium. It gives strength at Nervous, physical, and general body level giving energy. It works in all age groups.

Uses of SBL Five Phos Tablet 

Common symptoms of SBL Five Phos Tablet 

Important indicated symptoms of Individual medicines in SBL Five Phos Tablet 

Calcarea Phos:

Ferrum Phos: 

Kali Phos: 

Mag Phos: 

Natrum Phos:

Cause for the complaints

Chronic diseases, Loss of fluids from the body, Excess mental work, Over worry, Excess bleeding during menses, Loss of water in summer, Dental problems, Improper diet.


It is safe to take the tablets even if you are taking allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with the action of other medicines. It is safe and without any side effects.

Dosage of SBL Five Phos Tablet