SBL Natrum Sulphuricum 

Natrum sulph regulates the distribution of water and the flow of bile. It removes the excess of water from the blood. It keeps the bile in normal consistency. Natrum sulph is the water removing tissue salt. It is helpful for water retention that takes place in the body. An imbalance of sodium sulphate produces swelling in the tissues, dry skin with watery eruptions. 

Uses of SBL Natrum Sulph

Common symptoms of SBL Natrum Sulph

Important indicated symptoms of SBL Natrum Sulph

Cause for the complaints in SBL Natrum sulph

Every spring,  poor indigestion; after eating too much; from eating rich food; after eating food combinations needing different enzymes such as eating meats with starches.


worse after

the morning, in damp, wet weather and from lying on left side.

better from

warm dry weather and in the open air.

Reactions with SBL Natrum Sulph

It is safe to take the tablets even if you are taking allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with the action of other medicines. It is safe and without any side effects.

Dosage of SBL Natrum Sulph