Water Hardness Test Strips - Includes free water hardness and softener guide shipped with order. NO EMAIL or spamy registration required!
We also offer an economical and ACCURATE Drinking Water Test Kit.

Here's what you need to know about water hardness and testing.

Water hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium in your water. Hard water creates spots on dishware, the shower door, cars, etc. It builds up inside water heaters, leading to early failure of heating elements and corrosion leaks. Hard water damages coffee makers and other water-using appliances. A water softener will remove hardness if it is working properly. The only way to know if your water softener is working or dialed in, is by testing.

  • 24/7 water quality support - I've been in the water quality industry for 30 years developing water filtration systems and test kits. I will guide you in all things water based on advanced degrees and hands-on experience.

These strips come in a sealed jar and have a two-year shelf life. 

Gives water hardness levels in ppm and grains.

Your purchase supports our science/technology education project for kids.

Family-run company from Pennsylvania.