This gamecube controller port has LEDs installed in all controller ports and a new battery installed for system settings! A wide variety of options are available with a "mix and match" option if you want the full customization of which LEDs you want in which ports!

Here are the LEDs available if you pick this option:
LED colors available: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, RGB Slow(Changes colors slowly), RGB Fast (changes colors fast), Pink, Purple, White and Orange.

Additionally, if you need a new faceplate; you will have the option to add one to your order! They will have no discoloration and look great if you need a fresh faceplate for your gamecube!

Please leave a note for which LEDs you want in each port: (E.G: Power White, P1 Blue, P2 White, P3 Green, P4 Pink)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer back as soon as possible.
Thank you!