About Sundari Sakhi

Sundari Sakhi (Sundari Kalp Forte) is a non-hormonal Safe uterine tonic. It regularizes the menstrual cycle and builds up the strength and stamina of women, to keep them fit and active throughout the month. Sundari Sakhi (Sundari Kalp Forte) tonic acts as an endocrine regulator, regularize the menstrual cycle and resolves primary and secondary menstrual problems. Sundari Sakhi (Sundari Kalp Forte) is a reputed medicine for women from the onset of menarche i.e. the first menstruation (mean age 13 years) to menopause i.e. the cessation of menses (mean age 45-50 years). It helps them successfully handle several psychosomatic changes to which they are prone and to ward off the usual physiological and pathological disorders.

Ingredient used in Sundari Sakhi

Indications of Sundari Sakhi

Benefits of Sundari Sakhi

Dosage of Sundari Sakhi

15ml twice a day with water along with Sundari Sakhi Tablet (1 Tablet twice daily with water). Non-alcoholic, totally safe.