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the project

On his 1993 recording, Origins, Steve Roach explored the cracks between conscious and unconscious awareness, weaving a tale of primal mystery and musical sorcery through a compelling synthesis of ancient and modern aesthetics. As Darren Bergstein of i/e magazine observed, "Never before has Roach's electronic surface felt so earthen and weathered; all of the assertive ambience and environmental dissonance he's pressured up to now has reached its critical mass in Origins molten core."

With Artifacts, Roach delves deeper into his own sonic mythology expanding his skills on acoustic instruments and realizing a profound level of artistry on electronics. Roach's obsession with the shifting of time finds form in his gift for creating trance-inducing rhythms that sound both primordial and futuristic.

His rich, eternally swirling textures, seem to rise up from the darkness of the unconscious, bringing shards of long forgotten musical impulses to light once more. It's as if he's sifting through the soil of an ancient site, gathering fragments and piecing them together to reveal a new story that casts its shadow far beyond the present. Through it all, Roach reminds us that one day we, too, will be the artifacts in the minds of some future civilization.

the artist

For fifteen years, Steve Roach has been pushing the boundaries of musical expression with a continually evolving style that has always existed outside current trends and defied genre labeling. Over the years, progressive electronic, new age, world, techno–tribal and ambient have all been fleeting monikers for Roach's sonic shape-shifting.


2Thunder Brother9'29"
3The Origin of Artifacts25'46"
4Your Own Eyes8'02"
5Ancestral Horizon8'27"
6Temple of the Frog8'50"
7Begin Where I End8'01"
 Total Time:77'12"