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Herbal Care Dried Snow White Fungus | 散花雪耳 银耳 白木耳 | Kulat Putih Kering | Tremella fuciformis Dried snow white fungus is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and is believed to have the functions of clearing away heat, nourishing, beautifying skin and body. It contains a variety of amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial to skin health and immune system. Snow fungus has a soft texture and a cool taste. It's often used in cooking such as soup, stew, salad, jelly, dessert and ice dishes. It should be noted that the snow fungus needs to be fully soaked before cooking to soften it and remove impurities. 散花雪耳具有多种药用功效和营养价值。它被广泛应用于中医药中,被认为具有清热润肺、滋阴养颜、滋补身体等作用。散花雪耳含有多种氨基酸、蛋白质、多糖、维生素和矿物质,对皮肤健康和免疫系统有益。 散花雪耳常用于煲汤、炖品、甜品等烹饪中。它的质地柔软,口感凉爽,适合与其他食材搭配使用,如炖鸡汤、糖水、果冻等。散花雪耳可以泡发后加入汤品中,或用于制作冰品和凉拌菜肴。 需要注意的是,散花雪耳在烹饪前需要充分泡发,以使其变软并去除杂质。