You will receive similar plant in the pic Well Rooted cutting Plant with no flower or buds
The flowers show in the picture is from the mother plant

Summer Shade Lovers

Like the summer-flowering tuberous begonia, these are “shade plants” only in hot climates – where they can spend the summer near a protective north wall or in the dappled shade from a tree.

Otherwise, they need sunlight in fall, winter, and spring, and shade only when summer sun becomes searing hot. They flower best when temperatures stay near 65 degrees, and when the air is humid.

Misting or spraying the stems, except when the plants are in bud or flower, both humidifies and cleans the leaves of clogging dust. 

                                                                                             Water & Feeding Requirements

In winter, when they rest, they need just enough water to keep the stems from shriveling.

The active growing season starts in early spring for most varieties.

The plants need constant moisture in the air and for the roots.

While growing they need water, good ventilation and protection from extreme heat and strong sun. Give the plants a slight drying off during dormancy but never let them become perfectly dry.

In February when growth begins again, start with mild but regular feedings of weak liquid foliar fertilizer solutions every two weeks during growth.


We take great care in packaging each plant carefully; however, we cannot guarantee the blooms or buds due to conditions beyond our control during shipping. BUY CONFIDENCE WITH US - WE SHIP ALL PLANTS BARE ROOTS