Tan Oushak Rug

In 1960, this unique 7x10 Turkish Rug see in Visual woven by the people for their own needs Turkey's Isparta and Oushak provinces.  After using it for a while, it was no longer used due to the changing generation and modern home decorations and was sold to our old carpet collection offices.
 At this stage, by sending these carpets to our factory, shaving, fading old colors (without destroying the original patterns), washing, new colors in accordance with the texture and pattern of the carpet, and re-washing in the final stage.  All applications used at this stage are 100% organic dyes and methods.
 These unique carpets, which have been brought back to modern life and today, have been presented to our valued customers by Dzm Rugs on our Ebay page. 

All these items are from my collection.

washed clean ready for use.


198 x 288 cm / 6'5'' X 9'5'' FEET

I am happy to answer all your questions, please feel free

For shipping, we are working with FEDEX