Dabur Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras With Gold and Pearl Tablet contains Swarna Bhasma, Rajata Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Pravala Bhasma, Mukta Bhasma, Suta Bhasma, and Juice extract of Kumari. It is used in the treatment of diseases that are caused by the imbalance of Vata Dosha, such as facial palsy, paralysis, tremors, and hemiplegia.

Key Ingredients:
Swarna Bhasma, Rajata Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Pravala Bhasma, Mukta Bhasma, Suta Bhasma, and Juice Extract of Kumari
Key Benefits: