☘️How can mangosteen peel treat acne?

Assistant Professor Dr. Mallika Chomnawang has conducted research on "Herbal Project for Treating Acne" by studying 19 types of Thai herbs such as Andrographis paniculata, neem, and mangosteen, etc., to test their ability to kill acne-causing bacteria and also have good anti-inflammatory effects on acne. It was also found that Mangosteen extract reduces inflammatory acne scars by up to 77.8 percent. Mangosteen peel extract contains 4A as follows:
  1. Anti – bacterial inhibits and destroys bacteria. which causes inflammation and pus.
  2. Anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation, rashes, swelling and redness on the skin.
  3. Anti – Oxidant Protects against deterioration of skin cells from environmental conditions.
  4. Astringent tightens pores. Adjust the skin condition to be smoother.
👉🏻 With these extracts in the mangosteen peel. Therefore, it is reasonable that mangosteen peels can prevent acne. Reduce inflammation of acne And can reduce dark spots and red spots from acne. But nowadays we will find that mangosteen peel powder extract has been sold. which is considered effective to a certain extent Today we have a recipe for mangosteen peel powder to treat acne.

Formula 1: Treat acne with mangosteen peel powder.
This formula is specifically for treating acne.
📌Ingredients as follows:
  1. Mangosteen peel powder.
  2. Clean water.
📌Steps for treating acne with mangosteen peel powder.
  1. Mix mangosteen peel powder with clean water.
  2. Apply it to areas with inflamed acne. For 2-3 days, the acne will subside and won't come back.