All Records are Play-Tested and Graded According to "Goldmine Record Grading Standards". 
All Records are Professionally Cleaned on a DeGritter Ultrasonic RCM and VPI HW 16.5 RCM.

Label                             (EX/NM)
Pristine Millenium labels with no obvious spindle marks, wear or blemishes except faint spindle trails. 
Record Grading:     (VG+/EX)
Record surface is pristine, bright and glossy with a few faint / light sleeve marks and hairlines...plays crisp, clean and bright with minimal surface or background noise and occasional light crackle. 

Sleeve Grading:      (VG+/EX) 
Fully intact, bright and glossy die cut sleeve cover has slight ring and light corner wear; spine is excellent and completely legible.

From a smoke-free home
Free shipping
Thanks for looking and have a blessed day!!!
~John 3:16~