This cup has a printed scene, number 276, from the Notable Buildings series of Spode bat prints. If you have a saucer in the same series but no cups, you can make up a complete set. This view is very similar to the one numbered 277. It has a mansion in the center and trees on the side. From Drakard and Holdway’s book: “The origin of 276 has not been found, but 277 is a view of West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire. . . . Spode’s engraver has taken very considerable liberties with the original [engraving], which was published in 1793, but sufficient is left to justify the continued use of the name for the view.” The Hestor Savery service dates to 1803, so the print was in use on Spode wares by that date. On page 168 of their book (and on the cover) they show this gilding pattern and call it “the most exuberantly gilded” on Spode's bat-printed wares. Unfortunately, the cup has a vertical hairline (shown close-up in the last photo) that is nearly invisible on the outside. Otherwise it is in excellent condition. Ref T573

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