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(This is special and rare!!!)

Terracotta Ganesh relief.

Offering traces on relief.

Early 1900's

6 inches tall x 4 inches wide

This TSA TSA is a perfect size for your altar.


The existence of Buddha’s teachings teachings for a long time depends on the existence of the holy objects of Buddha.

To have the scriptural understanding and realizations of the teachings is not easy.

For these you need to have a lot of merit.

The most powerful merit that one can accumulate, and accumulate so easily, in is relation to holy objects.

By making or receiving statues of Buddha and making offerings to statues of Buddha, one accumulates infinite, inconceivable merit that immediately becomes the cause for enlightenment.

** Lama Zopa Rinpoche **


Traditionally in Tibet, Tsa Tsa's were made with clay from the earth, left to harden, and placed on altars, shrines or in other holy places.

Tsa Tsa's, with its origin in Sanskrit, is a typical Tibetan Buddhist art form. Actually Tsa Tsa's are votive tablets in Tibetan Buddhism, usually clay impressions made with a metal mold containing hollowed, reversed image of a deity, a stupa or other sacred symbols.

Tibetan people believe that making Tsa Tsa's is a merit accumulating action. As holy objects, Tsa Tsa's can be found inside stupas, prayer wheel niches, holy caves and monastery altars or beside holy mountains, holy lakes and other holy sites. Small Tsa Tsa's can be put inside a portable amulet shrine (called Ghau in Tibet) and taken as amulets by those traveling.

Making Tsa Tsa's is a compulsory skill of monks in Tibetan monasteries.

Tsa Tsa's fall into different categories in accordance with ingredients added, including plain clay Tsa Tsa's, which has no special ingredient;

Ash Tsa Tsa's, which has ashes of late lamas added;

Medicine Tsa Tsa's, which have Tibetan herbs added;

Humoral Tsa Tsa's, which contains liquid produced in the mummifying procedure of late high lamas; and Tsa Tsa's made by high lamas themselves or other celebrities.

In addition, however, there are some virtual Tsa Tsa's made.

Lucky travelers may find in some region that Tibetans are using their Tsa Tsa's molds stamping in wind, water and fire!

Tibetan people believe everything can be used to make the holy Tsa Tsa's, even wind, water and fire.

After Tsa Tsa's have being molded, they are dried or fired to be hard.

Only after being ritually empowered can they be used as holy objects!


It is now the time for this old sacred Tsa Tsa to be released to the world. This fantastic Tsa Tsa has been  FULLY BLESSED & EMPOWERED.  The reason for the release of this sacred blessed Tsa Tsa is that the world is now a dark and dangerous place and we would like spiritual and sacred people to be part of the new awakening. This sacred old Tsa Tsa has a huge amount of power, and when you hold and see it you will feel a sacred power like you have never felt in your life. There are very few people in the world who can feel, sense and need this sacred and special power.


Ten specific benefits of making Tsa Tsa's

    One achieves a perfect rebirth - with perfect body, senses, limbs, and so on.

    One achieves perfect surroundings, and is able to fulfill all wishes in benefiting other beings. The surroundings are harmonious with your mind and you are surrounded by people who support your practice. Otherwise, one cannot practice Dharma.

    One actualizes pure morality (moral conduct). Without this, one cannot achieve the path.

    One generates devotion towards one's teachers and the Buddha’s.

    One generates courage (perseverance) - the supreme courage to do things in public to benefit others.

    One is reborn in the human or Deva (god) realm to benefit others.

    One achieves the Bodhisattva Arya's path of accumulation.

    One achieves the Bodhisattva Arya's path of seeing, where delusions and defilement's cease. On this path, one stops creating karma, is freed from delusion and karma, and thus is freed from cyclic existence and rebirth. In tantra, the Arya's path means one has attained the wisdom of direct perception of emptiness.

    One achieves the path of meditation.

    One achieves the path of no more learning, where one is totally freed from rebirth, old age, sickness, and death, and attains a spiritual body. One will achieve the actualization of the body, speech and mind of enlightenment.

From a talk by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2000.


The existence of holy objects is to transform the mind and to be able to realize the path to enlightenment. In the present moment, one cannot see the Buddha...therefore, the Buddha manifests in the body, speech and mind of statues, enabling one to collect merit, which leads to realizations along the path.

This is a most powerful way to purify obstacles and to collect extensive merits. The motivation should be for people to have these holy objects more than as a decoration -- then it is extremely beneficial. Just by seeing one thangka, one statue of Buddha, even if one has negative thoughts, this still becomes the cause to see millions of Buddhas. Even one look at a Buddha out of anger causes one to gradually see the Buddha, it purifies the mind and brings total liberation from all sufferings. Even if one looks with a negative mind, gradually it purifies the mind; purifies defilement's and obscurations creates the cause to see Buddhas and receive teachings; and leads one to enlightenment.


One must realise Tsa Tsa's are holy objects. This creates positive imprints. Every time you see Buddhas in different rooms (as holy objects) you get all this incredible benefit for the mind; the more holy objects you have, that much more benefit you will receive. With so many, one must make many offerings and one must make respect with the hands in the prostration mudra, doing pure prostration from the heart. With one statue, putting the palms together is the cause for a good rebirth, leading to liberation from samsara and eventual enlightenment. With one thousand Tsa Tsa's, putting the palms together in prostration one gets one thousand times the causes of liberation. With one hundred thousand Tsa Tsa's, one gets one hundred thousand benefits. Any offering done to holy objects is the same as how many holy objects there are in the house; how many times one circumambulates creates that many causes. Even with light offerings, offering one to so many holy objects creates so many causes


Your inner world is a place of dreams, secrets, hopes, aspirations, fantasies and plans- of longing, anger, love, hope, ambition and the yearning for happiness. This inner place can be both a sanctuary and a place of turmoil. It is where vitality withers or flourishes because here we create our deepest identity through our desires. Your vitality takes on the qualities of the dominant emotional forces that are active deep within you. These are the true forces that are active deep within you. These are the true forces that feed our everyday persona.


These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone. These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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