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This filter is designed to reduce Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from the shack to the mains wiring. Most importantly, it significantly reduces RFI/EMI noise coming from the mains wiring into the shack's power supplies. If the mains wiring conducts or induces noise from nearby sources such as PV panels, inverters, industrial equipment, lights, or any equipment producing high frequency or broadband noise—similar to our own transmitters—this filter will effectively minimize their impact on sensitive receivers, spectrum analyzers, and Software-Defined Radios (SDRs).

Modern power supplies typically include a similar mains filter, but most have been proven to be inadequate. Consider the need to protect the highly sensitive receiver input stages, capable of detecting sub-microvolt signals amidst high-power pulses in close vicinity.

If these noises are captured by receivers through their antenna cables, an additional Common-Mode Choke on the antenna cable is necessary. You can find suitable options like the following:

Common-Mode Choke Line Isolator for HF Receivers and 50W Transmitters

Antenna Line Isolator 75 Ohm for Low-Frequency Receivers

This filter utilizes two large FT240-31 cores wound with PTFE/Silvered wires and 2 PCBs with capacitance filters. The output is effectively filtered and can be applied to an average radio-room, shack, or specifically to the most sensitive receivers or other instruments.

The plug, cable, and internal wiring are all capable of handling a maximum of 16A. The box used for the filter is equipped with mounting ears for wall installation, if necessary.

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