5x Organic Home Grown Mixed Sized Jerusalem Artichoke 'Fuseau' plants

Freshly dug right before sent out

These Jerusalem Artichoke are grown organically in our own garden.

We do not use any artificial fertilisers or pesticides.

 They are easy: just plant them 4" deep and 12" apart, between now and the end of April. Personally I recommend that they are planted as soon as they arrive. Each one can produce 10 or more tubers.

The plants will settle in quickly, they grow up to 3 metres tall and produce lovely yellow flowers in late summer and can be used as cut flowers.

They are an excellent root vegetable that can be eaten raw in salads, boiled, fried or baked. They have a mild nutty flavour and make an excellent addition to soups. 

Please note that you won't specifically be getting the ones in the pictures