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Diary of a pandemic. Monumentale cemetery of Milan

Autore: Campi Marco Claudio

Titolo: Diary of a pandemic. Monumentale cemetery of Milan

Editore: Polistampa

Pagine: 112

Ean: 9788859623663

ATTENZIONE in rari casi l'immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell'inserzione


Lombardy is a densely populated area in North Italy with about 10 million inhabitants. On February 16, 2020, a 38 year old Italian man went to the hospital of Codogno, a small town not far from Milano, reporting respiratory problems: this was the first case of Covid-19 registered in Italy. On March 8, Lombardy was put under lockdown, which could not avoid a first, devastating, wave of cases. In those months, my city, Milan, was filled with a deep sense of community, quarantined people were chanting together 'don't give up' from their balconies to lift their spirits as the pandemic was growing. Covid-19 cases started to decline in May 2020. The government allowed for freedom of movement and launched botched plans to rescue the Italian economy. Meanwhile, throughout the summer and later in autumn, the authorities completely missed their opportunity to convey appropriate messages to raise awareness and promote responsible behaviors. As a result, at the end of September 2020 the virus regained strength, this was the start of the second wave.


Economica (Corriere SDA): spedizione tracciabile, la consegna avviene in 2/5 gg lavorativi, dopo 2 tentativi la spedizione viene depositata nell'ufficio postale più vicino e dovrà essere ritirata dal destinatario.

Standard (Altro corriere 48hr GLS): la consegna avviene in 24/48H in tutta Italia (VENEZIA e locatità disagiate escluse). Tracciabile, in caso di mancata consegna GLS invia un avviso via EMAIL, è necessario che il destinatario richieda la riconsegna tramite il link presente nella EMAIL.

Spedizione cumulativa: acquistando 2 o più oggetti, la spedizione si paga una sola volta, bisogna mettete gli oggetti nel carrello, lì c'è l'opzione per richiedere il totale, poi le manderemo la fattura unificata! Da PC non dall'APP.

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