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Elementary Botany

by Frank P. Paterson

Part I, Physiology, deals with the life processes of plants, such as absorption, transpiration, conduction, photosynthesis, nutrition, assimilation, digestion, respiration, growth, and irritability. Part II, Morphology and Life History of Representative Plants, includes a rather careful study of representative examples among the algae, fungi, liverworts, mosses, ferns and their allies, gymnosperms and angiosperms, with especial emphasis on the form of plant parts, and a comparison of them in the different groups, with a comparative study of development, reproduction, and fertilization, rounding out the work with a study of life histories and noting progression and retrogression of certain organs and phases in proceeding from the lower to the higher plants. Part III, Plant Members in Relation to Environment, deals with the organization of the plant body as a whole in its relation to environment, the organization of plant tissues with a discussion of the principal tissues and a descriptive synopsis of the same.

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Table of Contents

Protoplasm; Absorption, Diffusion, Osmose; How Plants Obtain Water; Transpiration, or the Loss of Water by Plants; Path of Movement of Water in Plants; Mechanical Uses of Water; Starch and Sugar Formation; Starch and Sugar Concluded; Analysis of Plant Substance; How Plants Obtain their Food, I; How Plants Obtain their Food, II; Respiration; Growth; Irritability; Spirogyra; Vaucheria; dogonium; Coleochæte; Classification and Additional Studies of the Algæ; Fungi: Mucor and Saprolegnia.[Pg xi]; Fungi Continued (Rusts Uredineæ); The Higher Fungi; Classification of the Fungi; Liverworts (Hepaticæ); Liverworts Continued; Mosses (Musci); Ferns; Ferns Continued; Dimorphism of Ferns; Horsetails; Club Mosses; Quillworts (Isoetes); Comparison of Ferns and their Relatives; Gymnosperms; Further Studies on Gymnosperms; Morphology of the Angiosperms: Trillium; Dentaria; Gametophyte and Sporophyte of Angiosperms; Morphology of the Nucleus and Significance of Gametophyte and Sporophyte; The Organization of the Plant; The Different Types of Stems; Foliage Leaves; The Root; The Floral Shoot; Pollination; The Fruit; Seed Dispersal; Vegetation in Relation to Environment; Classification of Angiosperms; Index.

Long Description

Part I, Physiology, deals with the life processes of plants, such as absorption, transpiration, conduction, photosynthesis, nutrition, assimilation, digestion, respiration, growth, and irritability.Part II, Morphology and Life History of Representative Plants, includes a rather careful study of representative examples among the alg


Series Botanical Research and Practices
Language English
Year 2021
ISBN-10 1536194484
ISBN-13 9781536194487
Format Hardcover
Publisher Nova Science Publishers Inc
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
Pages 626
Publication Date 2021-04-08
UK Release Date 2021-04-08
AU Release Date 2021-04-08
NZ Release Date 2021-04-08
US Release Date 2021-04-08
Author Frank P. Paterson
Imprint Nova Science Publishers Inc
Edited by Frank P. Paterson
Audience Postgraduate, Research & Scholarly
