Introducing the M4 Sherman Tanks of the Korean War Challenge Coin, a testament to the valor and strength of this iconic medium tank.

This coin proudly showcases the M4 Sherman, armed with its formidable 105mm main gun, which played a crucial role in the Korean War. Intricately detailed, it features the distinctive tiger teeth on the front mantel, symbolizing the tank's ferocity in battle. Against a backdrop of hard-packed cold ground, the American flag waves proudly, a symbol of freedom and resilience.

Crafted with precision and adorned with gold and silver antique metals, as well as hand-painted red and blue enamel accents, this coin is a true collector's item. It is part of a series of Tanks of the Korean War Challenge Coins, each capturing the essence of these legendary war machines.

Experience the full series and immerse yourself in the history of the Korean War with these meticulously crafted challenge coins.