Horseplay - A Streethorsting Retrospective, showcases the style and innovative ideas of the originators and the new generation of streethorsers from all over the world. In 200 pages the book features the most visually exuberant, subtle and creative examples of the genre from cities all over the world. ''Horse Play'' is an essential record for everyone with interest in a true subculture and anyone who wants a hoof on the international pulse of this true urban culture.

Cloth-bound, gilt-edged and printed on matte paper, the new book called Horse Play tells the story of Streethorsing, the sport or riding horses in cities - with the highest of production values. Whether or not the obscure subculture actually exists, the tome is filled with unbelievable photos of horses doing skateboard-like tricks off railings and over barriers (challenging pro photoshop-spotters) and interspersed with snaps of minor celebs (who also happen to be spokespeople for the book's sponsor, WeSC), like Jerry Hsu, Steve Aoki, Mark ''Cobrasnake'' Hunter, Stretch Armstrong, and Jason Lee. --Coolhunting