A purchaser's review:

"This 1953 Lohengrin is a breath of fresh air. Schüchter’s straightforward, brisk direction propels the drama, and the voices are of a very high order. The wicked couple of Ortrud and Telramund, portrayed here by Margarete Klose and Josef Metternich (note that he is the excellent Dutchman under Ferenc Fricsay) rival the classic pair of Ludwig and Fischer-Dieskau under Kempe. Rudolf Schock is a refreshingly elegant yet firm hero, harking back to the historic, lighter-voiced Lohengrins of Franz Völker and Lorenz Fehenberger. Cunitz is an effective if not always sweet-toned Elsa, and Frick is a powerful King, understandably fresher than he would later be under Kempe. No apologies need be made for the recording, though the balance favours the voices."