NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON THIS item. Ships to lowewr 48 states. This Omega Black D3 AutoOmega 4x5"   Enlarger is a high-quality 4X5 enlarger, that comes with  Variable Condenser Pro Lab head or light source. Print 3 different film formats by simply moving the condensers  to a different shelf inside of the condenser head. 

This enlarger includes an Omega 35mm negative carrier.  

3 lens boards and one Lens cone for 4x5.  1 75mm f4.5  Schneider lens. It is perfect for those looking to improve their darkroom and developing skills. The item height  or depth is 12", length is 47", and width is 14". It weighs 125# net weight and comes with a 1-month warranty from New Vision Photo.  We have been selling darkroom gear for 25 years on ebay or a quarter of. century!  I PACK ENLARGERS VERY WELL. The enlarger ships in 4 boxes. 

Box 1 Column Box 2 Baseboard (factory original) Box 3 The Camera head including lens stage and bellows. Box 4 All the Accessories.

The unit type is a single unit and falls under the categories of Cameras & Photo, Film Photography, and Darkroom & Developing, specifically under Enlargement Equipment. The brand of this item is OMEGA. This enlarger was built by hand back when that really meant something in America.The mechanics are perfect.  Everything has been tested! The Darkroom Enlarging Lens Focal Length is 50mm and the Type is a 4x5 condenser B& W enlarger. . There are two lenses included. 1 50mm and one 75mm lens. 

This enlarger has the potential to print all Negative formats from 35mm, up to 4X5" negatives.  I have other accessories in stock for this enlarger, however, I'm trying to keep the base price low so buyers can still afford the shipping. If your interested in a particular format? let me know. Im now including a beautiful NIKON El Nikkor, 135mm F 4.5 Lens with crystal clear glass! No mold fungus or haze! I will be posting many close up of the glass! It has some lite dust that does not effect prints from your 4X5 negatives. This lens has a retail pre-owned value of over $100 alone!!  I think there are manuals for free on line, simply join the discussion at or  

This enlarger ships to the lower 48 states.

Ships only to the  US lower 48 states!

Ground shipping to North Carolina only is $175. as per a recent quote to that state. 

This is a local pickup in Cedar City Utah 84721.