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Books One to Four of the Heroes of Legend

by L.A. Hammer

In this series opener, Hammer's prose evokes the romantic diction and mythological complexity of the high fantasy genre, sometimes to an eye-rolling extent: -Kirkus Reviews so far the pacing is brisk and the world, if not completely unique, is quite fun. -Kirkus Reviews readers who love the fantasy genre will find much here to enjoy. -Kirkus Reviews A derivative but skillfully executed and engaging fantasy. -Kirkus Reviews The author's narrative technique of rapidly shifting viewpoints from chapter to chapter echoes a similar tactic by some of the bestselling writers in the fantasy genre, and for good reason: It keeps the story hurrying along in a compulsively readable way. Hammer is likewise skillful at changing tones; one chapter can be filled with high-stakes sorcerous tension, and the next can be, equally convincingly, lighthearted -Kirkus Reviews Readers encounter a very inventive world-one that features everything from Jinns to Greek mythology to Shaolin monks to the Monkey King, and in which the legions of Caesar can easily end up fighting hordes of vampires. Readers already up to speed on the many ongoing plot threads will find this volume a tense and fast-paced addition to Hammer's engaging fantasy world. -Kirkus Reviews Hammer does a good job of orchestrating the book's suspenseful ending, which leads readers right on to the next installment. -Kirkus Reviews A colorful and hyperactive section of a larger multicultural fantasy epic. -Kirkus Reviews

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Author L.A. Hammer
Pages 364
Publisher Xlibris Au
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781669833376
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-01-26
Imprint Xlibris Au
Edited by Bertrand Degott
Birth 1964
Audience General
Subtitle The Archer, The Princess, The Dragon King, and The Vampire Lord
