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Has Anybody Seen Snowball?

by Bright Masih

The bedtime story walks the reader through a story about an endearing little Polar Bear cub, SnowBall, who accidentally finds himself, for the very first time, lost without his Mum, but with the help of his faithful friend Squeak, they find a way back to Snowballs Mummy.

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Publisher Description

Published by FireFly Stardust Books and in hardback, in this magically illustrated bedtime storybook, Snowball the polar bear cub just loves sleeping in crunchy fresh, powdery snow, but this time, for the first time, he has woken to find that mummy bear isn't there, and that he is all alone, as the sun is swiftly setting around him. The enchanting story leads Snowball through the magical forest, surrounded by fireflies and moonlight, as he tries his best to be a brave little cub and find mummy bear, helped by his best friend, Squeak the penguin. Meanwhile, Mummy bear, desperate to find Snowball, seeks help from WitWoo the aged snowy owl who flys her over the forest to find little Snowball. This 48 page book features prints of beautiful hand painted mixed media artworks created by the acclaimed South African artist, Hannah Whitehead. Has Anybody Seen Snowball will become a gift your child will adore, treasure and read time and time again. Has Anybody Seen Snowball is the first in a three book FireFly Adventures Series.

Author Biography

Growing up in the '70s, during the height of racial tensions, wasn't always easy, but my mother and father, Anwar and Khursheidan, made the most out of what they had. Through their iron clad Christian faith, they always tried to do the best for my siblings and me. As a child growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, my days were spent joyfully playing marbles with other children on manhole covers, British Bulldog in the middle of the road and going on long bike rides through the tall, deep woods, during what felt like the endlessly sunny summer school holidays.What I wish to do through my books, even if only for a few minutes, is to transport children to a place where they can daydream with feelings of curiosity, amazement and joy, in the same way my friends and I did when I was a boy. When the world, at least to me and my little friends, felt like a happier, simpler place, where our imaginations were not supplemented by smartphones or the Internet.


"This is a beautiful book! High quality finish with stunning artwork, and a story that transports you into a snowy world of wonder. Great for children, or anyone who wants a bit of escapism! Andy Weekes, creator of the award winning 'Night Sky' stargazing app which has over 40 million users."


Author Bright Masih
Pages 24
Publisher FireFlyStardust Books
Series The adventures of Witwoo, Snowball & Squeak
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9781739116309
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2022-09-07
Imprint FireFlyStardust Books
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2022-09-07
NZ Release Date 2022-09-07
UK Release Date 2022-09-07
Illustrations 10 colour illustrations
Series Number 1
Audience Children's (6-12)
