Maxicard realised on the theme of Mobile Suit Gundam, the military science fiction anime created by Yoshiyuki Tomino in 1979. The associated pictorial cancel that commemorates the second anniversary of Gundam Manhole Project is availble for only one year. It was obtained in Odawara -- Tomino's native city -- on Tomino's birthday, and features an image of MSM-07S, aka (Char's) Z'Gok.

Postcard: 2015, official merchandise of the 2015 exhibition The Art of Gundam held in Mori Art Museum (Tokyo).
Stamp: 2005, taken from the set Animation Hero and Heroine Series Vol. 2 that is dedicated to Gundam franchise.
Cancel: Odawara / 5 November 2023 (Yoshiyuki Tomino's native city / birthday).  

Postcard: ★★★☆☆
Stamp: ★★☆☆☆
Cancel: ★★★★☆

Supererfect maxicard

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