Descrizione / Description


Parabrezza di ricambio

  • I parabrezza della serie 130 sono ricambi perfetti per i modelli Touring di H-D
  • Realizzato in materiale acrilico Lucite da 3/16' di qualita` aeronautica per una visuale perfetta
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Altezza : 15 cm (6')
    Base Color : Gray
    Denominazione Prodotto : Parabrezza
    Finitura/colore : Fume` scuro
    Material : Lucite
    Modello : 130 Series
    Tipo : Cruiser
    Tipo Di Montaggio : Rimovibile
    Unita` : Singola


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      La descrizione e le specifiche possono essere soggette a modifiche senza preavviso dal produttore, a volte l'immagine è indicativa e potrebbe differire dal contenuto effettivo / description and specifications may be subject to change without notice from the manufacturer, sometimes the image is indicative and may differ from actual content.

      L'uso del marchio e del modello del veicolo in questa asta descrive solo lo scopo previsto del prodotto offerto in questa vendita in conformità con l'art. 21 del Codice della proprietà industriale / The use of the Vehicle Brand and Model in this auction only describes an intended purpose of the product offered in this sale in according to the Art. 21 of the Code of Industrial Property.



    For more than 45 years, Slipstreamer has been manufacturing, creating, and updating quality motorcycle windscreens and products. Our goal has always been to bring superior products to motorcycle enthusiasts. Our company history began in the early 1970s, when Bob Eggerichs founded CF, Inc., the predecessor of Slipstreamer. He set up shop in South St. Paul, Minnesota, and manufactured the first clear acrylic stand-alone windshield. At an industry tradeshow, he ran a contest to name this new product and participants suggested many, many ideas—some funny, some practical. “Slipstreamer” stood out and became not only the product name but, in 1973, the company name as well. Throughout the 1970s, the company flourished and the name “Slipstreamer” became synonymous with all-acrylic motorcycle windscreens. By the 1980s, the company had moved to Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and was selling not only six different windshields but other products for motorcycles and their riders, including leather gloves, rain suits, and luggage. But that changed when Bob’s son Bob came on board. He had ridden motorcycles throughout his life, and wanted Slipstreamer to get back to its roots. He eliminated the other product lines and, along with his brother, Ron, focused solely on what the company did best: manufacturing windshields. New products were added, and in the early 1990s, the company moved its operations to its present location in Blaine, Minnesota. Today, Slipstreamer is one of the largest manufacturers of motorcycle windshields in the world—we create windshields under our name and through private labels, along with doing custom work and plastic fabrication for other industries. But throughout, quality and customer service have remained our priorities. As technology and computers have evolved over the years, the look of our shop has changed, but all our windshields are still hand molded at our Blaine, Minnesota, location. As always, the emphasis is on keeping the optics perfect so your view is clear and distraction free. Our commitment to customer service includes listening to our customers. If you ever experience a problem with our products, contact us. We’ll deal with any problems directly and take care of it as quickly as we can to ensure everyone is satisfied. And if you don’t find what you need by searching our website, please contact us as well. We would love to hear from you and, who knows, you may be able to convince us to make what you need or help us develop a new product!


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