A purchaser's review:

"This must number among the finest selections of orchestral excerpts of Wagner's works. Out of production now, brand new copies can be very expensive. The CD is digitally remastered thus not only cutting out the hiss of the tape but delivers the music with crystal-clear sharpness and immediacy.

The Entry of the Gods into Valhalla is amply portrayed with the listener transported into the presence of Wotan and Fricka as they survey the newly-constructed citadel. Initially sounding a little subdued and removed, The Ride of the Valkyries on further contemplation allows one the opportunity to gaze on the unfolding drama much like a view from the summit of Valhalla perhaps. The emotional battle as Wotan prepares to consign Brunnhilde to her fiery yet gentle slumber with all the accompanying leitmotif gives way to the innocence of Seigfried imitating birdsong before embarking on his pre-ordained mission conveyed here with all the excitement and joys of adventure and discovery. In stark contrast therefore is the dark sombre mood of his Funeral March bringing home vividly, the tragic consequences of Wotan's actions in Das Rheingold.

The Prelude to Act 1 of Die Meistersinger is another example of the polished performance of the Cleveland under Szell. Strings were handled with great fluency fluidity as were the horns and the winds were a sublime delight. Indeed I have not heard the prelude quite like this before. I certainly didn't hear all of it like this on the tape version. Long before the final bars of the lovefest that is Prelude to Tristan und Isolde will the listener be won over to this superb recording. I love it, I love it, I love it and could listen to this single set all day long, returning time and again to some personal favourites but oh how difficult a choice Szell and the Cleveland have made this process."