Joy Ride - Paper - Rug Hooking Pattern 
Finished Size Approximately: 25.5" X 20.0"

This delightful rug hooking paper pattern from Prairie Road Designs features a whimsical scene of a joyful ride through the countryside with man's best dog friend. With a charming design full of vibrant colors and intricate details, this pattern is a must-have for any needlecraft enthusiast. Whether you're a seasoned rug maker or just starting out, this pattern is perfect for creating a unique and beautiful piece of art. So why wait? Order now and start your own joy ride today!

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Happy Hooking!

All the best,
Sheila Arbogast
Designer / Artist / Owner
Prairie Road Designs

PLEASE NOTE:  3-D patterns come in the approximate finished product size listed here, after assembly. All other patterns, other than 3-D patterns, come on standard size 8.5" X 11.0" paper for you to size to your desired dimensions. All patterns are exclusively copyrighted and protected by law as designs created by Sheila Arbogast, Prairie Road Designs. They are for the exclusive use of the purchaser ONLY. NO copies, sharing, resale, or any other use of this pattern without written permission.