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Shine Through Your Story

by Michelle Prince

You have a story that matters. Your story is part of your purpose, given to you for a reason and intended to serve a bigger purpose. Your story is a gift, and gifts are meant to be shared.

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Publisher Description

Your Story Is A Gift
You have a story that matters. Your story is part of your purpose, given to you for a reason and intended to serve a bigger purpose. Your story is a gift, and gifts are meant to be shared.
Shine Through Your Story will help you rediscover your gifts, ignite your light and illuminate the path for others, all through sharing your story! In this book, Michelle Price shares her proven S.H.I.N.E. formula, which will help you gain clarity into who you are, why you're here, and how to shine from within.
S - Sow Your Seeds of GreatnessH - Honor Your StoryI - Identify What's Holding You BackN - Now is the Time to Write Your StoryE - Encourage and Equip Others
It's time to stop playing small, step out of your comfort zone, and finally embrace all that you were created to be.
You were created to SHINE!

Author Biography

Michelle Prince is a best-selling author, sought-after motivational speaker, and the CEO/Founder of Performance Publishing Group, a partner publishing company dedicated to making a story at a time. Michelle knows that everyone has a story to tell, and she is passionate about helping them tell it for God's glory. Michelle assists companies and individuals through her training and people-building solutions, identify their talent, achieve balance, unlock potential, and be more productive, all so they can achieve abundant success in their personal and professional lives.


Have you ever felt like your story isn't worth sharing or that you aren't able to tell it in a compelling way? SHINE Through Your Story will convince you otherwise. God has created each one of us in His image, and since He is the ultimate Creator, He has shared that creativity with all of us. Michelle will show you how to make sure your light is shining bright!-Jordan RaynorBestselling Author of The Creator in You and Called to Create
One of the major themes of my books is that your stories matter! In SHINE Through Your Story, Michelle Prince shares a formula to help identify your purpose, ignite your light and shine through your story for God's glory.-Bob BeaudineNational Bestselling Author of The Power of WHO and 2 Chairs
The most powerful story in the world is the story you tell yourself. Why? Because the story you tell yourself either limits or unleashes your ability to SHINE and impact others for good. Read SHINE Through Your Story today-someone is desperately waiting to hear your story, and Michelle Prince shows you WHY your story is so important and HOW to share it!-Tom ZiglarCEO, Ziglar Inc.Proud Son of Zig Ziglar
Even though I have known Michelle for many years, as I read this book, I found myself truly inspired. I laughed. I cried. And I cheered as Michelle shares with others how to SHINE! I can't wait to get my signed copy!-Howard PartridgePresident, Phenomenal Products, Inc.
It can be difficult to believe your story matters when your experiences are filled with shame. However, the reality is your darkest moments can be the light of hope for others to realize their stories matter too. SHINE Through Your Story equips you to turn your most difficult life experiences into your greatest life purpose.-LeTesha WheelerAuthor, Half Breed - Finding Unity in a Divided World
In SHINE Through Your Story, Michelle makes a compelling case for the power of our stories to transform lives. I love how she equips you with the foundational tools to help you discover and share your own story while simultaneously modeling it by sharing hers. Don't casually read this book. Let it ignite you as you encounter God's goodness on the pages within it.-Shae BynesCo-Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur and Author of Grace Over Grind


Author Michelle Prince
Pages 166
Publisher Performance Publishing Group
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781956914818
Format Paperback
Imprint Performance Publishing Group
Subtitle REKINDLE Your Purpose, IGNITE Your Light & ILLUMINATE the World by Sharing Your Story
Publication Date 2023-04-01
Audience General
