Nadiral vision. Aerial shots, satellite images, photo plans and archives of the Veneto
Author Marisa Scarso (edited by)
publisherThe Polygraph
NecklaceIUAV Notebooks Circe Series
Italian language
FormEdited by Scarso M. Padova, 2007; br., pp. 228, ill., 21x30 cm. (Circe Series Notebooks).
Minor signs of use and age

Nadiral vision. Aerial shots, satellite images, photo plans and archives of the Veneto Author Marisa Scarso (edited by) publisherThe Polygraph NecklaceIUAV Notebooks Circe Series Pages228 Year2007 Italian language FormEdited by Scarso M. Padova, 2007; br., pp. 228, ill., 21x30 cm. (Circe Series Notebooks). Minor signs of use and age