Would you be surprised to learn that the lovely pink Flamingo, despite its well-known habitat in Florida, was considered a Non-Native, Invasive Species? What in the world could be invasive about this beautiful, gentle bird?

Nothing, as of 2018 it has been discovered that the Flamingo was always here. Wild, out in the Everglades, doing its thing… Being pink and elegant.

Known natives to Brazil, the Caribbean, Cuba, the Yucatan Peninsula, the Bahamas, etc.… it was thought that the Flamingos here came from there. Pet smugglers again?? This bird is a lot larger than an iguana.

At any rate, this, monogamous, noisy and social bird’s status has been proven and it is a Florida native. A beautiful addition to the plethora of colorful and entertaining Florida creatures.

On a different note, while the Mockingbird is a fine, gray bird… The Flamingo is so much more Floridaesque… and now that it is a beloved and approved local, maybe we should reconsider the State bird???

Back in the old days we had to carry paper photographs around if we wanted to show off our kids or families. Some people had entire photo albums in their huge wallets... Others took a more subtle approach and would place pictures inside jewelry.

This lovely and serene flamingo locket is large enough for any cut out photo. About the size of a quarter. Just paste the ones you hold dearest into the cubbies and never forget their faces again. No problems with the battery dying either! ;-)