#3996 39c Hattie McDonald Stamps on Rare Brick Cover Card MNH   39¢ denomination

This unique item is a USPS Brick Cover Card that came inside a BRICK of 2,000 US #3996 39c Hattie McDonald Postage stamps.  

A MNH single stamp is attached showing face of stamp, and 

another MNH single stamp is attached face down showing description printed on back of stamp sheet.

This would look great in a frame.

In USPS jargon, a BRICK is a shrink-wrapped stack of 100 sheets of stamps.

Each brick includes a printed cardboard cover sheet which is put on top of the 'brick' before it is shrink wrapped.  

In this case the Cover Card was for a brick of 2,000 Scott #3996 Hattie McDaniel stamps (100 sheets). 

USPS prints only one brick cover card for each 2,000 stamps it makes, and most are thrown away by postal clerks. 

This makes them very hard to find.

It fits nicely inside an album, or you can frame it.

Stored in cool dry environment inside polypro protector since purchase from USPS Philatelic services -  

condition is same as when I received it at purchase from USPS   

If you are buying more than one different item, message me after purchase to remind me to combine items to lower

the postage.  I will refund any excess postage charged to you once I print the postal label.  You can ask me in advance

of purchase IF you tell me what items and in what quantities you are buying.  Cheers.