2X Speed White Plus Premium Ginseng Day Cream 
SPF50+Night Cream UV Sunscreen

Condition : New
Size : 20g / Box
Quantity : 2 Box

This set of Speed White Plus included with
  1. Speed White Plus Ginseng Cream
  2. Speed White Plus Sunscreen Cream SPF 50

1. Speed White Plus Ginseng Cream

Experience the rejuvenating power of Angel Ginseng Cream Speed White Plus. This premium ginseng-infused night cream is formulated to deliver exceptional results for your skin:

  • Smooth Skin: Our advanced formula helps smoothen your skin, reducing the appearance of imperfections.
  • Clear Skin: Achieve a clearer complexion with consistent use, promoting a radiant glow.
  • Skin Replenishment: Angel Ginseng Cream nourishes and replenishes your skin, ensuring it stays healthy and vibrant.
  • Soothing Effect: The cream's soothing properties help calm and rejuvenate your skin, leaving it refreshed.
How to Use : Apply a generous amount daily before bedtime, and wake up to revitalized skin.

2. Speed White Plus Sunscreen Cream SPF 50
(Premium Ginseng Protection)

Introducing Angel Ginseng Sunscreen Sun Cream, your ultimate protection against harmful UV rays with the added benefits of premium ginseng:

  • Smooth Skin: Our unique blend not only shields your skin from the sun but also helps maintain its smoothness.
  • Clear Skin: Enjoy the confidence of clear and healthy-looking skin while staying protected.
  • Skin Replenishment: Angel Ginseng Sunscreen Cream keeps your skin replenished, even under the sun's harsh rays.
  • Soothing Protection: Experience soothing protection as you venture outdoors, ensuring your skin remains comfortable.
How to Use: Apply the cream generously to your face and neck in the morning, or before heading out into the sun regularly for optimal protection.

These products offer a comprehensive approach to skincare, combining the goodness of ginseng with effective protection and rejuvenation for your skin.