The Nile on eBay


by Rachel Anne Jones

Meridian's sophomore year is off to a rough start. Her bestie ditches their traditional birthday party of the last fifteen years for a seat at the cool kid's table. Kelli is the cool kid, and Meridian's nemesis. Kelli is also the girlfriend of the class hottie, Cam Kohl, aka Meridian's long-time secret crush. Meridian suffers in silence while she hovers in a corner booth as a helpless spectator to Kelli's popularity with an unwanted front row seat. Fate smiles on Meridian in the form of a magical rune, and a haunting love spell is cast. Juan, a not-so-secret admirer from Meridian's past returns. His feelings haven't changed. Meridian soon dodges the affections of a few but craves unexpected attention from Cam and Juan. Cam and Meridian's friendship grows, but the spell has Meridian wondering how much of it is real. If kissing Cam breaks the spell, is Meridian willing to let him go? And what about Juan? Can she handle losing both of them? A full moon and a fright night in a Haunted House is the perfect place to lay her doubts to rest. Will Meridian's lips be brave enough to put love to the test?

Brand New


Author Rachel Anne Jones
Short Title Lovestruck
Language English
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9798886530537
Format Paperback
Subtitle Kisses, Lies, and Oatmeal Cream Pies
Pages 352
Publisher Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
Publication Date 2022-09-22
Imprint Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
Audience Children / Juvenile
