1X Millers CVL Turbo Octane Booster 500ML


One bottle [500 mls] to 20 litres [maximum] unleaded petrol for all motorsport applications. Precise treatment levels should be determined by test bed experimentation.


Use with modern fuels to increase octane levels by up to 4 octane numbers (40 points).
Provides improved performance for race, rally or track day.
Provides similar flame front control as lead, thereby enabling engines to run more advanced ignition timing without danger of pre-ignition or detonation.
Mixes with leaded, unleaded, LRP and other fuels containing octane enhancing additives such as oxygenates, ethanol and MTBE.
Equally effective in modern engines fitted with knock sensors and catalytic convertors.

Technical Details:

Specific Gravity @ 15°C  0.910
Flashpoint °C    >62    
Colour Pale Yellow Liquid