This is a service only listing for any parts I already have plus the labor required to Restore and Re Cap an NAD 3020 or similar "3020_like" amplifier that YOU send to me including the 3020A, 3020B, 3020i, 3020e, 3130, 3220PE, 3225PE, 302, and 312. The shipping charge is for the return trip in the same packaging you sent.

Replace Power Switch and Upgrade Muting circuit. Experience has shown that the power switch is almost always worn out. The exact replacement now costs $50 due to the special low level poles used for ON/OFF muting. Instead, I now use a higher rated, lower cost power switch and upgrade the muting to be all electronic, just like the 3225PE and 701. This makes the unit suitable for use with Intelligent Power Strips, etc. Note that I have raised the price $24 to include this service instead of asking for an additional $35 after the fact.

Restore - Clean and inspect the inside of the unit. Repair any issues discovered or mentioned by the buyer. Deoxit switches and potentiometers. Resolder RCA, DIN, and Headphone jacks as needed to reseat and resecure them, along with any other questionable solder joints.
Re Cap - Replace all Electrolytic Capacitors. I'll upgrade the audio coupling caps with Bipolar nichicon, ELNA, etc. or WIMA, Vishay Film. I typically choose 105C and/or higher voltage rated caps for the power supplies. I can also install capacitors that you provide as desired.

Upgrade the Bias and Offset trimmers to multi-turn equivalents for more precise and stable adjustments. Realign Power Amps for 0mV Offset and specified Bias.

International units at 220VAC are no problem.

Please allow 7-10 days from receipt to return ship so that I have time to listen and confirm proper operation. The 30 day handling time is intended to include your ship time to me as well.

Feel free to message me with any questions or to inquire about the repair and/or recap of other models. If you see a Preamp, Integrated Amp or Power Amplifier on eBay (for Parts / Not Working or otherwise) that you'd like to Buy and have serviced, then perhaps you can save on shipping by having it sent directly to me. Please message me first.