Set of two professionally framed Japanese woodblock prints. Titled "Bamboo" by Eiichi Kotozuka, 1960. 

Artist: Eiichi Kotozuka was a 20th century printmaker and painter. More information on Kotozuka and Japanese woodblock printing can be found on the back of the pieces. 

Dimensions: The image size of the woodblock print that can be viewed within the matting is approximately fifteen inches (15”) in height by ten and one eights inches (10 1/8”) in width but is likely to be somewhat larger as the woodblock print extends underneath the matte board (probably 15 3/4" x 10 3/4"). The overall dimensions of the frame are approximately twenty inches (20”) in height by fourteen and seven eights inches (14 7/8”) in width.

Signatures: Signed in the bottom right corner with two black-colored seals. The top seal represents the name “Koto” for the artist Eiichi Kotozuka. Please Note: The various seals and signatures for Eiichi Kotozuka are shown and described on the website for Artelino.

Koto seal: