A full spectrum multi-purpose herbal formula for scrotum healing using the steam treatment. Fortifies yang energy benefits fluids, stimulates and  increases circulation, increases libido power, promotes semen production, soothes and heals anal nerves, supports testosterone production and benefits the prostate, testicles and reduces frequent urination. Anti-inflammatory, benefits immunity along with mental acuity and focus. Scrotum Healing Powder 4 ounces. Add boiling water to make scrotum steaming treatment. Pour 1 cup or more of boiling water over a bowl or pot of 1-2 tsp of powder mixture (0r use toilet steaming bowl insert, not included, see photo). Sit over the bowl using a towel to cover and keep the steam in for 20-30 minutes or until it starts to cool. Another method is to use a steamed towel to cover both the genitals and bottom. Deep genital healing and soothing to the anal nerves. Handle steaming pot or towel with care so not to burn delicate tissue. Follow with cool towel and rest. Repeat once a week or so for full benefit or as desired.

*Buy easy to use toilet steaming bowl online (see photo). THIS IS NOT INCLUDED. Just an idea for steaming process. These are originally made for women but a man can use effectively with care if he wears briefs or jock strap before steaming.

Powder contains, ginger, lemon peel, cnidium, cinnamon, clove,  myrrh gum, reishi mushroom, beet root, ashwagandha, epimedium, rhodiola, turmeric, goji berry, gynostemma, uva ursi, myrobalan, black sesame seed and nutmeg. *This formula also serves as a nourishing tea by pouring bowling water over 1 teaspoon of the powder into cup. Add honey if desired. Very invigorating, an energy tonic, aphrodisiac and restorative for both sexes.