Here's the first USA Edition of the Chofets Chayim's famous books called Ahavas Chessed, Sham Olam, Nidchay Yisrael, Kuntres, Shomer Hadas and Torat Habayis, all in one convenient book. 

This edition was printed by the Chofetz Chayim's son in law, Rav Mendel Zaks who came to the USA and became the 'bochen' at Yeshiva University. He later made Aliyah with his family and lived in Jerusalem. He printed this book in 1960 in New York under the Edison Litho. firm, as well as the magnum opus of his father-in-law, the Mishna Brura as well (I will be putting it up soon here on Amazon as well soon).

Who was the Hafetz Hayyim?

Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan, The Chofetz Chaim



 For almost one hundred years he lit up our world. His was a soul from on high whose only desire in life was to fulfill the wish of his Creator through lifting the worth of individual lives as well as the life of the Jewish people as a whole. This was the substance of the marvelous life of this giant of justice and kindness.

He could find no peace when contemplating the state of the nation regarding the grave sin of slander, until he composed his first work which carried the name with which he has been identified ever since: Chofetz Chaim... He also was inspired to produce a work, Ahavas Chesed (Love of Kindness) detailing the laws between man and man.

The emigration to America made him fearful for the well-being of Judaism in places where Jewish settlements were not well organized. He recognized the trials of the new immigrants and to fill their needs he wrote Nidchei Yisrael, (Dispersed of Israel), replete with detailed laws specifically related to the new life of the ?immigrants and heartfelt words of inspiration and encouragement

to strengthen them in overcoming obstacles and preserving their Judaism in the "New World". His caring eye observed the young conscripts forced to live far from any semblance of Jewish life and desperately in need of special guidance. For them he composed Machne Yisrael, (The Camp of Israel).

In spite of all the writings of his predecessors he found that he must clarify many laws of the first portion of the Shulchan Aruch, and composed his famous Mishna Brura, which is firmly established as an authoritative source to all Jews who follow the Shulhan Aruch.

And within his heart there burned a holy fire: the hope for the full salvation. The final redemption of Israel was his constant concern. For the arrival of that event the laws of Kodshim must be clear. But he saw that such learning was much neglected and so composed a monumental work on the order Kodshim, Likkutei Halachos.

In spite of all these undertakings he was totally involved in all matters of Torah support with youthful enthusiasm even when he was well into his nineties, traveling to anywhere he might help to strengthen activities on behalf of Torah.

This is but a too-brief overview of the life of an extraordinary man whose saintly presence we were fortunate to encounter and from whose saintly life and pure character we were privileged to feel the impact. (These words were written by one of the Chofetz Chayim's foremost disciples, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel).

This edition was printed by the Chofetz Chayim's son in law, Rav Mendel Zaks who came to the USA and became the 'bochen' at Yeshiva University. He later made Aliyah with his family and lived in Jerusalem. He printed this book in 1960 in New York under the Edison Litho. firm, as well as the magnum opus of his father-in-law, the Mishna Brura as well (I will be putting it up soon here on Amazon as well soon). The emigration to America made him fearful for the well-being of Judaism in places where Jewish settlements were not well organized. He recognized the trials of the new immigrants and to fill their needs he wrote Nidchei Yisrael, (Dispersed of Israel), replete with detailed laws specifically related to the new life of the ?immigrants and heartfelt words of inspiration and encouragement T
This edition was printed by the Chofetz Chayim's son in law, Rav Mendel Zaks who came to the USA and became the 'bochen' at Yeshiva University. He later made Aliyah with his family and lived in Jerusalem. He printed this book in 1960 in New York under the Edison Litho. firm, as well as the magnum opus of his father-in-law, the Mishna Brura as well (I will be putting it up soon here on Amazon as well soon). The emigration to America made him fearful for the well-being of Judaism in places where Jewish settlements were not well organized. He recognized the trials of the new immigrants and to fill their needs he wrote Nidchei Yisrael, (Dispersed of Israel), replete with detailed laws specifically related to the new life of the ?immigrants and heartfelt words of inspiration and encouragement T