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The Dead Woods

by Christian Francis

The dead woods lie on edge of town. Within them, the shadows watch hungrily, waiting. Five friends must face this horror, and pray that they survive.

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Publisher Description

From the award-winning author of The Animus Chronicles and the novelizations for Wishmaster, Titan Find and Vamp comes this new tale of YA terror.
"An exciting new talent'" says Tom Holland (the creator of Child's Play and Fright Night) of Christian Francis.
The woods were dead, and had been for as long as the townsfolk could remember. Sitting on the edge of the town, it was an expanse of sinister and leafless rot. Those unlucky enough to find themselves alone and scared in those woods may have seen the thick yellowing mist that came first. They may have seen the shadows that appeared to watch them as they tried to escape. They then may have seen the faces of those long since past, approaching them with a hungry grin. But that would probably be the last thing they would ever see.Few escaped seeing the truth in the evil that lay in wait in the dead woods, and those that were lucky enough, were never the same again.


Author Christian Francis
Pages 180
Publisher Echo On Publications
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781916582040
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2023-05-01
Imprint Echo On Publications
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2023-05-01
NZ Release Date 2023-05-01
UK Release Date 2023-05-01
Audience Teenage / Young adult
ISBN-10 1916582044
