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A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages

by Jorge J.E. Gracia, Timothy B. Noone

Offers a comprehensive 'who's who' guide to medieval philosophers. This title contains a mix of essays providing historical context followed by 140 alphabetically arranged entries on individual thinkers. It spans the history of medieval philosophy from the fourth century AD to the fifteenth century.

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Publisher Description

This comprehensive reference volume features essays by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field.

  • Provides a comprehensive "who's who" guide to medieval philosophers.
  • Offers a refreshing mix of essays providing historical context followed by 140 alphabetically arranged entries on individual thinkers.
  • Constitutes an extensively cross-referenced and indexed source.
  • Written by a distinguished cast of philosophers.
  • Spans the history of medieval philosophy from the fourth century AD to the fifteenth century.

Back Cover

This comprehensive reference volume features essays by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field.
The volume is organized into two sections. In the first, essays cover the historical context within which philosophy in the Middle Ages developed. Topics include the ancient philosophical legacy, the patristic background, the School of Chartres, religious orders, scholasticism, and the condemnation of various views in Paris in the thirteenth century. Within these clear, jargon-free expositions, the authors make the latest scholarship available while also presenting their own distinctive perspectives.
The second section is composed of alphabetically arranged entries on 138 philosophically significant authors – European, Jewish, and Arabic – living between the fourth and fifteenth centuries. These essays contain biographical information, summaries of significant philosophical arguments and viewpoints, and conclude with bibliographies of both primary and secondary sources.
A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages is extensively cross-referenced and indexed, constituting a complete source of information for students and professionals alike.


This comprehensive reference volume features essays by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field. The volume is organized into two sections. In the first, essays cover the historical context within which philosophy in the Middle Ages developed. Topics include the ancient philosophical legacy, the patristic background, the School of Chartres, religious orders, scholasticism, and the condemnation of various views in Paris in the thirteenth century. Within these clear, jargon-free expositions, the authors make the latest scholarship available while also presenting their own distinctive perspectives. The second section is composed of alphabetically arranged entries on 138 philosophically significant authors - European, Jewish, and Arabic - living between the fourth and fifteenth centuries. These essays contain biographical information, summaries of significant philosophical arguments and viewpoints, and conclude with bibliographies of both primary and secondary sources. A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages is extensively cross-referenced and indexed, constituting a complete source of information for students and professionals alike.

Author Biography

Jorge J. E. Gracia is Samuel P. Capen Chair and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is author of several books, including Hispanic/Latino Identity (Blackwell, 2000) and How Can We Know What God Means? (2001). He is the editor, with Gregory M. Reichberg and Bernard N. Schumacher, of The Classics of Western Philosophy (Blackwell, 2003).
Timothy B. Noone is Ordinary Professor of Philosophy at The Catholic University of America. His books include Ioannes Duns Scoti, Quaestiones super librum Porphyrii, Quaestiones super Praedicamenta (1999).

Table of Contents

List of Contributors xii Preface xv Chronological List xviii Philosophy in the Middle Ages: An Introduction 1
Jorge J. E. Gracia PART I: THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT 1 The Ancient Philosophical Legacy and its Transmission to the Middle Ages 15
Charles H. Lohr 2 The Patristic Background 23
Stephen F. Brown 3 Philosophy in the Latin Christian West: 750–1050 32
Peter King 4 The School of Chartres 36
Winthrop Wetherbee 5 Religious Orders 45
M. Michèle Mulchahey and Timothy B. Noone 6 Scholasticism 55
Timothy B. Noone 7 The Parisian Condemnations of 1270 and 1277 65
John F. Wippel PART II: THE AUTHORS 1 Adam of Wodeham 77
Rega Wood 2 Adelard of Bath 86
Jeremiah Hackett 3 Alan of Lille 88
John Marenbon 4 Albert of Saxony 90
Edward Grant 5 Albertus Magnus 92
Mechthild Dreyer 6 Albumasar (Abu Ma'shar) 102
Jeremiah Hackett 7 Alexander of Hales 104
Christopher M. Cullen 8 Alfarabi (Al-Farabý) 109
Deborah L. Black 9 Algazali (Al-Ghazalý) 118
Thérèse-Anne Druart 10 Alhacen (Al-Hasan) 127
David C. Lindberg 11 Alkindi (Al-Kindi) 129
Jean Jolivet 12 Alrazi (Al-Razý) 136
Thérèse-Anne Druart 13 Anselm of Canterbury 138
Jasper Hopkins 14 Arnaldus of Villanova 152
Francisco Bertelloni 15 Augustine 154
Scott MacDonald 16 Avempace (Ibn Bájjah) 172
Idris Samawi Hamid 17 Avencebrol (Ibn Gabirol) 174
Tamar Rudavsky 18 Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 182
Richard C. Taylor 19 Avicenna (Ibn Sýna) 196
David B. Burrell 20 Bernard of Clairvaux 209
Brian Patrick McGuire 21 Berthold of Moosburg 215
Bruce Milem 22 Boethius 217
John Magee 23 Boethius of Dacia 227
B. Carlos Bazán 24 Bonaventure 233
Andreas Speer 25 Dante Alighieri 241
Timothy B. Noone 26 Denys the Carthusian 243
Kent Emery, Jr. 27 Dietrich of Freiberg 245
Roland J. Teske 28 Dominicus Gundissalinus 247
R. E. Houser 29 Durand of St. Pourçain 249
Russell L. Friedman 30 Francis of Marchia 254
Russell L. Friedman 31 Francis of Meyronnes 256
Roberto Lambertini 32 Gabriel Biel 258
Russell L. Friedman 33 Gaetano of Thiene 260
Stephen E. Lahey 34 Gersonides 262
Sarah Pessin 35 Gilbert of Poitiers 264
John Marenbon 36 Giles of Rome 266
Silvia Donati 37 Godfrey of Fontaines 272
John F. Wippel 38 Gonsalvo of Spain 281
A. G. Traver 39 Gregory of Rimini 283
Jack Zupko 40 Guido Terrena 291
Francisco Bertelloni 41 Hasdai Crescas 293
Tamar Rudavsky 42 Henry of Ghent 296
R. Wielockx 43 Henry of Harclay 305
Mark G. Henninger 44 Hervaeus Natalis 314
Roland J. Teske 45 Heymeric of Camp 316
Peter J. Casarella 46 Hildegard of Bingen 318
Bruce Milem 47 Hugh of St. Victor 320
Michael Gorman 48 Isaac Israeli 326
Sarah Pessin 49 Isidore of Seville 328
Sandro D'Onofrio 50 James of Metz 330
Russell L. Friedman 51 James of Viterbo 332
Mark D. Gossiaux 52 Jean de la Rochelle 334
Gérard Sondag 53 Jerome of Prague 336
Jonathan J. Sanford 54 John Baconthorpe 338
Richard Cross 55 John Buridan 340
Gyula Klima 56 John Capreolus 349
Kevin White 57 John Dumbleton 351
Edith Dudley Sylla 58 John Duns Scotus 353
Stephen D. Dumont 59 John Gerson 370
James B. South 60 John of Jandun 372
James B. South 61 John of Mirecourt 377
Mauricio Beuchot 62 John of Paris 382
Russell L. Friedman 63 John Pecham 384
Girard J. Etzkorn 64 John Philoponus 388
James B. South 65 John of Reading 390
Kimberly Georgedes 66 John of Salisbury 392
C. H. Kneepkens 67 John Scotus Eriugena 397
Carlos Steel and D. W. Hadley 68 John Wyclif 407
John D. Kronen 69 Landulph Caracciolo 409
Christopher Schabel 70 Marsilius of Inghen 411
Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen 71 Marsilius of Padua 413
Francisco Bertelloni 72 Martin of Dacia 421
José Luis Rivera 73 Matthew of Aquasparta 423
R. E. Houser 74 Maximus Confessor 432
Eric D. Perl 75 Meister Eckhart 434
Jan A. Aertsen 76 Michael of Massa 443
Christopher Schabel 77 Moses Maimonides 445
Alfred L. Ivry 78 Nicholas of Autrecourt 458
Mauricio Beuchot 79 Nicholas of Cusa 466
Louis Dupré and Nancy Hudson 80 Nicole Oresme 475
Edward Grant 81 Paul of Pergula 481
Stephen E. Lahey 82 Paul of Venice 483
Alan Perreiah 83 Peter Abelard 485
John Marenbon 84 Peter Auriol 494
Lauge Olaf Nielsen 85 Peter of Auvergne 504
Robert Andrews 86 Peter of Candia 506
Christopher Schabel 87 Peter Ceffons 508
Christopher Schabel 88 Peter Damian 510
Jonathan J. Sanford 89 Peter Helias 512
C. H. Kneepkens 90 Peter Lombard 514
Philipp W. Rosemann 91 Peter Olivi 516
François-Xavier Putallaz 92 Peter de Rivo 524
Christopher Schabel 93 Peter of Spain 526
Gyula Klima 94 Peter the Venerable 532
Jonathan J. Sanford 95 Philip the Chancellor 534
R. E. Houser 96 Pierre d'Ailly 536
Richard A. Lee, Jr. 97 Pierre de Maricourt 538
José Luis Rivera 98 Pseudo-Dionysius 540
Eric D. Perl 99 Radulphus Brito 550
Gordon A. Wilson 100 Ralph Strode 552
Kimberly Georgedes 101 Ramon Lull 553
Charles H. Lohr 102 Richard Brinkley 559
Kimberly Georgedes 103 Richard of Campsall 561
Kimberly Georgedes 104 Richard Fishacre 563
R. James Long 105 Richard Fitzralph 569
Kimberly Georgedes 106 Richard Kilvington 571
Edith Dudley Sylla 107 Richard of Middleton 573
Richard Cross 108 Richard Rufus of Cornwall 579
Rega Wood 109 Richard of St. Victor 588
Kent Emery, Jr. 110 Richard Swineshead 595
Edith Dudley Sylla 111 Robert Grosseteste 597
Neil Lewis 112 Robert of Halifax 607
Kimberly Georgedes 113 Robert Holcot 609
Kimberly Georgedes 114 Robert Kilwardby 611
A. Broadie 115 Roger Bacon 616
Jeremiah Hackett 116 Roger Marston 626
Gordon A. Wilson 117 Saadiah 630
Sarah Pessin 118 Siger of Brabant 632
B. Carlos Bazán 119 Simon of Faversham 641
John Longeway 120 Thomas Aquinas 643
Brian Davies 121 Thomas Bradwardine 660
Stephen E. Lahey 122 Thomas of Erfurt 662
Mauricio Beuchot 123 Thomas of Sutton 664
Gyula Klima 124 Thomas Wilton 666
Cecilia Trifogli 125 Ulrich of Strassburg 668
Kent Emery, Jr. 126 Vital du Four 670
A. G. Traver 127 Walter Burley 672
M. C. Sommers 128 Walter Chatton 674
Girard J. Etzkorn 129 William of Alnwick 676
Stephen D. Dumont 130 William Arnaud 678
Stephen E. Lahey 131 William of Auvergne 680
Roland J. Teske 132 William of Auxerre 688
Jack Zupko 133 William of Champeaux 690
John Marenbon 134 William Crathorn 692
Robert Pasnau 135 William Heytesbury 694
John Longeway 136 William of Ockham 696
Timothy B. Noone 137 William of Sherwood 713
John Longeway 138 William of Ware 718
Richard Cross Select Topical Bibliography 720 Index of Names 725 Index of Subjects 731


"Having these key figures present in one volume is sorely needed in the field, and this book provides...a one-volume reference work to fill the gap. As part of the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy series, I highly recommend this work." Reference Reviews
"A very useful tool indeed both for specialists and amateurs! It brings together a remarkable bunch among the best scholars in the field from all over the world. The information is rich, precise, and up-to-date; yet the arrangement of the material is simple and handy." Claude Panaccio, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

"An unparalleled source of information on the lives and thought of no fewer than 138 medieval Christian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophers. There are substantial essays here on the well-known heavyweights, such as Augustine, Averroes, Aquinas, Maimonides, and Ockham, but also useful accounts of the somewhat less well known, and the essential minimum on the various shadowy figures of the period, such as Berthold of Moosburg and William of Ware. This book is a 'must-have' for any serious student of medieval philosophy or theology." Gareth B. Matthews, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

"This volume is a welcome addition to the currently available reference works on medieval philosophy. Its well-written historical articles and its concise and helpful entries on almost 140 medieval philosophers makes this book an indispensable scholarly tool for specialists and non-specialists alike." Eleonore Stump, St. Louis University
"This is an impressive collection of work on a perennially underappreciated period of philosophical thought, and I will certainly be recommending it both to my students and to colleagues as a valuable resource in gaining familiarity with medieval thought, within and without the Latin West." - Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College

Long Description

This comprehensive reference volume features essays by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field. The volume is organized into two sections. In the first, essays cover the historical context within which philosophy in the Middle Ages developed. Topics include the ancient philosophical legacy, the patristic background, the School of Chartres, religious orders, scholasticism, and the condemnation of various views in Paris in the thirteenth century. Within these clear, jargon-free expositions, the authors make the latest scholarship available while also presenting their own distinctive perspectives. The second section is composed of alphabetically arranged entries on 138 philosophically significant authors European, Jewish, and Arabic living between the fourth and fifteenth centuries. These essays contain biographical information, summaries of significant philosophical arguments and viewpoints, and conclude with bibliographies of both primary and secondary sources. A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages is extensively cross-referenced and indexed, constituting a complete source of information for students and professionals alike.

Review Text

"Having these key figures present in one volume is sorely needed in the field, and this book provides...a one-volume reference work to fill the gap. As part of the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy series, I highly recommend this work." Reference Reviews
"A very useful tool indeed both for specialists and amateurs! It brings together a remarkable bunch among the best scholars in the field from all over the world. The information is rich, precise, and up-to-date; yet the arrangement of the material is simple and handy." Claude Panaccio, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

"An unparalleled source of information on the lives and thought of no fewer than 138 medieval Christian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophers. There are substantial essays here on the well-known heavyweights, such as Augustine, Averroes, Aquinas, Maimonides, and Ockham, but also useful accounts of the somewhat less well known, and the essential minimum on the various shadowy figures of the period, such as Berthold of Moosburg and William of Ware. This book is a ?must-have? for any serious student of medieval philosophy or theology." Gareth B. Matthews, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

"This volume is a welcome addition to the currently available reference works on medieval philosophy. Its well-written historical articles and its concise and helpful entries on almost 140 medieval philosophers makes this book an indispensable scholarly tool for specialists and non-specialists alike." Eleonore Stump, St. Louis University
"This is an impressive collection of work on a perennially underappreciated period of philosophical thought, and I will certainly be recommending it both to my students and to colleagues as a valuable resource in gaining familiarity with medieval thought, within and without the Latin West." - Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College

Review Quote

Having these key figures present in one volume is sorely needed in the field, and this book provides...a one-volume reference work to fill the gap. As part of the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy series, I highly recommend this work." Reference ReviewsA very useful tool indeed both for specialists and amateurs! It brings together a remarkable bunch among the best scholars in the field from all over the world. The information is rich, precise, and up-to-date; yet the arrangement of the material is simple and handy." Claude Panaccio, Universit


  • Provides a comprehensive 'who's who' guide to medieval philosophers.
  • Offers a refreshing mix of essays providing historical context followed by 140 alphabetically arranged entries on individual thinkers.
  • Constitutes an extensively cross-referenced and indexed source.
  • Written by a distinguished cast of philosophers.
  • Spans the history of medieval philosophy from the fourth century AD to the fifteenth century.


Series Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
Language English
ISBN-10 0631216731
ISBN-13 9780631216735
Media Book
Format Paperback
Series Number 24
Imprint Wiley-Blackwell
Edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia
Edition 1st
Illustrations black & white illustrations
DOI 10.1604/9780631216735
UK Release Date 2005-07-01
AU Release Date 2005-07-01
NZ Release Date 2005-07-01
US Release Date 2005-07-01
Author Timothy B. Noone
Pages 768
Publisher John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Year 2005
Publication Date 2005-07-01
Place of Publication Hoboken
Country of Publication United States
Alternative 9780631216728
Audience Professional & Vocational
