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  • Ihr vertrauensvoller Partner seit 1994 !
  • Dieses Produkt ist für erwachsene Sammler bestimmt. Dieses Produkt ist kein Spielzeug und nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet!

EUR 209,99
inkl. Mehrwertsteuer


The Praetorian Guard were an elite squad of First Order warriors assigned to guard Supreme Leader Snoke. Eight sentinels divided into four pairs and each pairing had a different helmet and unique weapons. These crimson armored warriors are reminiscent of the Emperor's Royal Guard, but unlike those stoic sentinels, these elite fighters spring into action when their master is threatened! This particular guard is armed with a Bilari Electro-Chain Whip which, at rest, is solid like a staff and can also be used like a bludgeon in combat. Designed and sculpted using the original film costumes and on-set scan data, our 1:6th scale Praetorian Guard is as authentic a reproduction as you can get. Every detail of the character and costume, every armor segment, every fold, every ridge of the mesh on the helmet have been captured in this high-quality, limited edition, hand-painted 1:6th scale resin statue from Star Wars: The Last Jedi! This piece is packaged with a hand-numbered Certificate of Authenticity and complimented by a gloss black display base.
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