Our Lady of Guadalupe Yellow Dress is a beautiful and unique piece for your gift shop or altar. Made of high quality resin material, it features the moon beneath Our Lady of Guadalupe and is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're looking for a religious gift, decor item, or simply something special to stand out from other shops, this dress will make any celebration or prayer extra special. With multiple sizes available, Our Lady of Guadalupe Yellow Dress is sure to bring joy and happiness to your loved ones. Detail:   Material: Resin     Color: Multi-color   Size: Multiple sizes     Quality: Detailed      * Unique Yellow Gown: A stunning representation of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a vibrant yellow gown. * Versatile Sizing: Available in multiple sizes for various spaces, including home decor, church altars, and special celebrations. * Detailed Craftsmanship: High-quality resin material ensures a realistic and detailed look, enhancing authenticity. * Symbolic Moon: Features a moon beneath Our Lady of Guadalupe, symbolizing her spiritual significance. * Perfect Gift: An ideal gift for loved ones with a deep devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe or for unique religious occasions. * Global Reverence: Our Lady of Guadalupe, widely known and revered, adds meaningful value to any religious collection. * Spanish Name: Virgen de Guadalupe vestida dorado, connecting to cultural and religious heritage. * Note: Face may vary based on size, preserving individual uniqueness