Yes, since Sept. 2011, the newer  '69 pickups produced by Fender Custom Shop are no longer dated and initialed by Abby, as the women, who wound pickups for Jimi Hendrix himself, is retiring. You won't see new '69 pickups wound by Abby any more, and this makes the old stock of Abby signed pickups increasingly hard to get on the market. For the Fender CS 69 pickup set in new packaging, only a handful of them have Abby initials, and we checked each package to single out those with Abby's initials (Of course by her team NOT by herself). Those without are sold in another listing for cheaper. Order today and your investment will not go wrong!

These Fender Custom Shop '69 pickups are dated and initialed by Abby ( Abigail Ybarra) and her team. If you know it, Abby (later with her team) has been working at Fender Custom Shop and has hand wired pickups for numerous great guitar players since the 60s including Jimi Hendrix himself . Make sure you get the those genuine Custom Shop 69 pickups with the famous green bobbin bottom with the Custom Shop sticker on the back to ensure the highest quality in tone and craftsmanship. 

These are the reincarnation of the legendary pickups that used by many guitar heroes since the 60s that have defined the history of rock, blues, and jazz music; you want to get the right gear to reproduce the right tone. Get them today! 

Here is what Fender say: 

Wound, dated, and initialed by Abigail Ybarra and her team.

Fender Custom Shop '69 Strat Pickups offer you a unique construction and vibe. These are the guitar pickups that can deliver the coveted clear, transparent highs; thumping lows; and bleeding midrange response and feel that define electric guitar tone as we know it. 


Just like the originals, these Fender pickups are built using height-staggered Alnico V magnets and a special gray bobbin. Each pickup is checked, dated, and initialed by none other than Fender Custom Shop master pickup-building legend, Abigail Ybarra, who has been winding pickups for Fender since the late 1950s.