🖤100% Basil (Sabja) Seeds🖤

Size 200 g.

➕ Soak in water before eating You can put it in milk or yogurt!!️
➕ Add deliciousness with vegetable and fruit powder, the more useful. ❤️

📌Benefits of basil seeds.

Basil seeds are another herb that is cheap. and easily available in the general market And when it is known as an herb It must have many good and interesting properties. As for the benefits of basil seeds, what are they? Let's see.

Basil seeds help expel bad cholesterol from the body. The basil's fibers will absorb the fat. When the body is unable to digest these fibers, bad fats (LDL-cholesterol) will be excreted along with the basil fibers, but without any effect on HDL-cholesterol. which is good fat Therefore, eating basil seeds regularly It will help reduce the risk of heart disease as well.

Basil seeds are soft, smooth, easy to swallow, suitable for people with throat problems. and the fact that the basil seeds swelled a lot Makes the body absorb nutrients more slowly Therefore, it is suitable for diabetics who want their body to absorb less sugar.
Basil seeds have laxative properties. This is because the outer shell of the pellets is a white mucus substance. And there is also food residue. Makes the stool not stick to the intestines This allows the eater to excrete more easily. The basil seeds will stimulate the nerves surrounding the distal colon. causing severe abdominal pain.

Basil seeds have weight control properties. Because basil seeds do not produce energy. and can swell up to 45 times, so when taken before a meal it will help you feel full. and can control the amount of food eaten very well.