This item up for auction was owned by the famous French singer Michel Polnareff!

It was discovered in Polnareff‘s storage unit we purchased at auction. 

How his storage unit went for auction you ask.

From what he told us his now former secretary forgot to pay the rent for it and it went through the lien sale process and was sold without him aware of it.

We also found a hard drive of his music recordings we believe are rushes from his latest album released in 2018 and recorded at ICP studios in Belgium.

We already sold a few other items we listed on our eBay store that we also found in the same storage unit.

While I don’t have specific documentation i can show proving ownership for each item found, the storage unit

was undeniably his and contained

Numerous personal items, including receipts, insurance cards, registration paperwork, and boxes addressed to him.

No personal items will be sold. We are only selling a few items we found that we believe have collector value.